Hidden Color Painting Workshop

Workshop Description

Using color-eliminating glasses, attendees will focus on color value—the lightness or darkness of a hue. (Look you learned something already!) The surprise reveal happens when you remove your glasses to uncover your colorful masterpiece. Participants will learn about the importance of value in painting while embracing the freedom of creating without the constraints of color accuracy. This workshop is about enjoying the process, releasing expectations, and welcoming happy accidents!

Attendees will create a colorful portrait of their pet, a favorite place, or even a beloved craft tool, all on a pre-sketched canvas. Pre-sketched canvases ensure participants can fully immerse themselves in the creative process without worrying about drawing skills. All levels of painter/non-painter welcome!

This workshop promises to be a fun, low-pressure creative experience where participants will explore the art of painting through value, not color..but trust me. There will be PLENTY of color!

Level of Difficulty
Knowledge/Equipment Required

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