Craftcation Conference is the perfect opportunity to connect your brand or business with our influential audience of trusted voices in the maker movement as well as the craft/DIY/design/lifestyle blogging world. We offer a range of sponsorship options including custom packages tailored to your goals and budget. Click here to contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.
Volunteer at the Conference
Our Craftcation Crew program provides the opportunity for a free ticket to Craftcation Conference in exchange for volunteering part-time at the event. Craftcation Crew applications are now open for Craftcation 2024! Click here to apply!
Become a Presenter
Interested in being a presenter at the next Craftcation Conference? Head over to the Presenter Interest page of our website. There you will learn more about our conference and teaching opportunities, as well as be able to submit your workshop ideas.
Be a Craftcation Ambassador
Get perks for sharing your love of Craftcation with your friends, family and audience. If you would like to be considered as an Ambassador for a future conference, email Katie Mac to be added to the interested Ambassador list.
Submit to be a Showcase Artist
Art Showcases are an opportunity for you to imagine, propose and create a unique installation experience at Craftcation. They are designed to reflect your style, show off your talent and give you an audience for your work! We are looking for members of our community to create one-of-a kind pieces of art that we will showcase around the hotel during Craftcation 2025. Learn more here!
Press Release and Media Images
For interviews, all media questions and to request our press release, contact us.